
Contact form

Other ways to Contact Us

Use the contact form above or Direct Message (DM) us in Instagram page (Click the Below Button), for both the reply will be within 1-3 Business days.

Frequently asked questions

Is there Cash on Delivery Payment available?

Yes, COD payments type is available including UPI, Card, Bank Transfer.

How to get free products?

1. Order above value of ₹5000/- and we will send a Gift product of worth ₹1000/- .
2. On your 5th order buy any product below ₹1000/- for free, using Given coupon.

How shipping charges takes place?

Free shipping (All over India) Shipping Policy.

Is there Return/Refund Policy?

As of now, we don't accept any return or refund process.

For more Refund Policy

How to Track Order?

You will receive a tracking order ID to your given email ID after placing an order, After coping that order ID, click the 'BELOW' link or Track order option in home page and paste your order ID, and submit.

Click here- 'TRACK ORDER'

How to Contact Us?

Click “Contact Us” the reply will takes place within 1-3 Business Days.